Hospitality House Building / Landmark in Tarantellia | World Anvil
Major updates coming to Tarantellia in 2024!

Hospitality House

Southeast of The Webbed Forest lies a small trade town.  Between the imminent threat of spindly creatures and the slowing rate of travelers, the citizens of XXX combat stress at the Hospitality House.   This public owned and run space offers a variety of opportunities to cope with the stresses of daily life.  
  • Angry your crops died?  Try the Workout Center and the Weeping Room.
  • Need to release pent up energy?  Try the aforementioned Workout Center or the Dance Studio.
  • Need to express yourself?  Paint something in the Arts Wing or practice Interpretive Dance.  If those options don't fit the bill, the Silenced Rooms exist for belting out your favorite song or yelling without affecting the other patrons.
There are small scent viles to provide extra comfort and every space has a continuous flow of fresh drinking water.    


The Hospitality House was created by XXX and for XXX.  Every citizen plays a roll in its upkeep and continued survival.  The town's healer purifies the water.  The carpenter, her family, and the community's teenagers build the expansions and furniture for the building.  The herbalist and Leaf Reader creates distilled scents based on available herbs and the tastes of community members.  And so on and so forth.  


Despite its primary function as a place of leisure, the entire town meets in the building when disaster strikes.  The community pools their magic while the Silverlings cast protective magic on the building.  This type of occurrence happens once every five to ten years.    Lately, however, something in the forest has grown restless.  Arach attacks have spiked and many townsfolk have taken to staying weeks in the Hospitality House at a time.  A few have entered The Webbed Forest to figure out what's been happening.  Once people stopped returning home, the exploration stopped.
Please Note:
For the remainder of 2024, please expect articles to change. Most articles will be expanded and improved, some may be removed until a future date. If you'd like to follow along, check out Tarantellia's Transformation here.


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