Orie Currency: Therals Item in Tarantellia | World Anvil
Major updates coming to Tarantellia in 2024!

Orie Currency: Therals

The following information has been brought to Tarantellia by the Den of Papyrus.
  While secluded by difficult terrain, tumultuous oceans, and armed forces, information on Orie Country is unknown. Phelan Ragewind's journals have displayed and described the coins utilized in this region. A few samples were sewed onto the journal pages as well.
  Therals are the coins of the region and refer to all forms of money, despite some coins going by additional names as well. There are 5 types of therals: iron therals, copper therals, silver tinkals, gold tinkals, and crimsatines with an unknown purple metal base.  


Each coin has a different metal base and a hole in its center. We believe the Ories keep their coins on string or hoop of some sort. Unfortunately, Phelan's journals have not stated its purpose. If they can attach it to their attire, it might help prevent theft.
  All of the coins are cool to the touch, regardless of how long you hold them. It may have to do with how they are treated, but further tests cannot be done until we have more samples. The Den of Papyrus has rules on how to handle found items and knowledge.
  The iron and copper therals have a matte finish to them and appear to be larger. We believe there is either a magic placed on the coins or the dyes used create this effect. Hopefully, we'll be able to obtain more information soon. The silver and gold tinkals have glossy finish and appear to be the same size as the iron and copper therals.
  The crimsatines, however, are unlike anything we've ever seen. They are massive, about twice the length of the other coins, and two of them are lighter than any of the therals or tinkals. They look ruddy blue in color. There are interesting markings that could either be fanciful or runes.
Tarantellia, The Claw Continent

Preventing Forgeries

Due to the number of mines, there was a period where many fake coins were circulating. The metal coins are treated with dyes to prevent fake coins from circulating into the world. This dye appears to give an eery sheen. It's unknown if the dye is painted over the coins or mixed in prior to the stamping.
Please Note:
For the remainder of 2024, please expect articles to change. Most articles will be expanded and improved, some may be removed until a future date. If you'd like to follow along, check out Tarantellia's Transformation here.


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