Trembling Flagon Building / Landmark in Tarantellia | World Anvil
Major updates coming to Tarantellia in 2024!

Trembling Flagon

Originally a karaoke bar known as the Trebling Flutes, the Trembling Flagon acts as an Inn and Tavern in Stagpost.   After an incident between a bard and the mayor, music and most forms of entertainment were banned. New city ordinances declared music paraphernalia and excessive costuming illegal within the city limits. Many entertainers left town and formed an entertainment district, Bardway, in Windfield. A few musicians remained to care for their families or protect their careers.   The owner, Rembis Treelant, has kept to every letter of the law despite finding loopholes for the spirit. His response was to change the tavern's name and bar sign. The original sign had two flutes in an X pattern. A treble clef was painted in the foreground with a T on the left and an F on the right. Rembis painted a volcano over the old sign with smoke pouring out the top. The T and F were left unchanged.   Months passed and Rembis continued to hear the sorrow in the hearts of every stifled musician who came into the tavern. Those who remained in town did not have the money to travel to Bardway or let alone stay overnight or explore the town. Rembis decided that he had to find a way to bring a little music back into his town.  

Underground Karaoke

One night, Rembis "lost his keys". He spent a lovely evening with a member of the city guard. While he was solidifying his alibi, the space behind the wine cellar is used an Underground Karaoke Bar.   Despite their best efforts, the city guard have not been able to prove foul play. The patrols, however, became more intense and fines increased.   Rembis and the ring leader of these Karaoke Nights, decided that they needed to start charging people in case they needed bail money. The singers would get a cut...if they performed well enough.   Soon, the Underground Karaoke Fight Club was born.  

Break My Heart

Every bard worth their salt knows how stinging a good break-up song can be. Two duelists will sing their song and the last bard standing wins. There are certain spells than cannot be cast during this event, but that does not mean people don't try.  

Sing Offs

The host picks a song and various singers will cut into the song.

Future Edits

Replace Still Weaving by Self with a before/after carousel of the Trebling Flats and Trembling Flagon's tavern sign
Write Prose about "the incident" - cutting words/vicious mockery during public event
Please Note:
For the remainder of 2024, please expect articles to change. Most articles will be expanded and improved, some may be removed until a future date. If you'd like to follow along, check out Tarantellia's Transformation here.

Cover image: Golden Clouds by Lauren Nelson


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