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Zariel, The Fallen

A Fallen Angel

  Once, long in the past, there were heavens in opposition to the Hells. Where Hell and the Abyss are filled with embodiments of evil such as Devils and Demons, the Heavens were filled with embodiments of good in the Angels and Seraphim. These creatures are not unchanging however, and in the most extreme circumstances one can become the other.   Zariel was once a Seraphim, an angelic warrior of the Seven Heavens. She was sent by the Gods to try and quell the revolution in Hell as it began. However, through the machinations of Asmodeus, she was corrupted by the monsters she fought, and instead found herself fighting alongside Bel as his lieutenant. And so Zariel the Redeemer became Zariel the Fallen, the Hound of Bel.  

Head of Citadel Security

  Bel and Zariel forged a strong bond during the revolution. Both respected each other's commitment to Law even before Zariel's fall, but after they became near inseparable. After the war, Bel brought Zariel into his inner circle, and now she serves as his head of security for Citadel. She shares Bel's disgust for the Shadow Runners, seeing them as a dangerous source of Chaos that could once again destabilize the Flaming City. She enjoys hunting down and dealing with hunters, making examples of them to deter others from following in their footsteps.  

The Mad Dog

  In undercity dive bars Zariel is known as the Mad Dog, or the Angel of Blood. Both names hint at Zariel's rumored bloodlust, which is said to reach a point in combat where she ceases to recognize friend and foe. Some say her angelic mind takes over, once again seeing hated enemies all around, still some others claim it is simply a love of senseless slaughter. Regardless many enemies of Zariel and Bel aim to draw the Angel into revealing this frenzy on a public stage, where they can use this show of Chaotic Evil to begin to destroy their normally strong reputation.
You think that I will spare you for being a devil? My people have been killing your kind for millennia, I will be more than happy to continue that tradition.
— Zariel, the Fallen

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