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Chid Haruno

Chid Haruno

Born and raised in Port Town, Chid leads the Adventurer's Guild location in the city. He has a keen sense of justice and is very dedicated to his profession. He has recently returned to his position as Guild Leader.

While last in Fallbrook, the party had asked Jordan Lee and Erica Lee of the Adventurer's Guild - Fallbrook Branch if they had any parcels that they needed delivered to the Guild in Port Town, and, while they didn't have a parcel, they did tell the party that they had not heard from Chid in some time. On arrival in town and after meeting Chid, he mentioned to the party that he had appealed to Fallbrook for aid, but hadn't heard back.

On a previous trip to Fallbrook, Keera Zayev of the Brave Fighter's Guild - Fallbrook Branch warned the party about Chid, calling him "weird".

Teo privately asked Chid his last name, and presumably told the rest of the party if they'd asked him.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Chid is short, has slicked-back black hair, and a physique befitting an assassin. He has his mother's eyes.

Apparel & Accessories

Is always wearing black. Always.

Specialized Equipment

The party saw him fighting with a unique sword in Fistandia's manor. It was a shorter sword, with a slightly curved blade and a square hilt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Chid used to work for the BFG in Kip as an assassin before the events of The Siege of The Black Fort. He returned home to Port Town in defeat, and started over.




Formerly employed by the BFG. After returning home, he took over the Adventurer's Guild - Port Town Branch as Guild Leader. He is also the only staff member of that office, so he could technically choose any job title he wanted.

Failures & Embarrassments

Is banned from Kip due to the events of The Siege of The Black Fort. Blamed for the deaths of his four young companions.

Mental Trauma

See previous section. When asked about the event, Chid started ranting.


Vehemently against interfering with the dead in any way, shape or form. Loathes necromancers in particular.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He is particularly great at stealth; he is very good at controlling his breathing and movement in order to move around unnoticed.

Likes & Dislikes

“He doesn’t like bards, but he likes bards.” - Kell Carralous   Chid is known to like green tea, coffee, and whiskey. He is also partial to garlic rolls from the The Witty Windmill Inn and Pub.

Virtues & Personality perks

Seems to care about others; was worried about the party's safety when they offered to go the Manor on their own.

Vices & Personality flaws

Sees no issue overworking himself, is also fairly stubborn.


Contacts & Relations

Close to Iris Middleton and Su Middleton, both of which he has known since his childhood.   The party also believes that he may be related to Hiram Haruno based on their shared surname.

Family Ties

Son of Sage Stormglade. Has an infant son of his own, with his wife Nereid.

Religious Views

Cleric of Kelemvor

Hobbies & Pets

Is known to have a small golden dog, whose name the party did not inquire about.

Wealth & Financial state

Lives in a modest home, identical to the ones around it. His assets are unknown.
Current Status
Managing the Adventurer's Guild in Port Town
Current Location
Date of Birth
14th of October
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
Pale green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair with golden tones
160 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Abyssal, Common, Elvish, Infernal, Thieves’ Cant


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