Dragonlord Atarka Character in Tarkir | World Anvil
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Dragonlord Atarka

World Render

“Her hunger knows no limit. Left unchecked, she would feast on all of Tarkir.”
—Yasova Dragonclaw

Atarka is one of the five elder dragons of Tarkir. She is a robust beast with antlers, horns, and fur. She breathes green flames. The ultimate predator, Atarka spends her days, and most of her nights, hunting and feasting. To her, life is an eternal banquet and she the lord at the head of the table. Gluttonous and greedy, Atarka hunts whatever and whenever she pleases, and she is not above picking at the leavings others in her brood have overlooked. When she is not eating, she is either considering her next meal or stalking it. There is nothing she will not devour, including those in her own clan.

Atarka and her brood thunder across the sky, wreaking destruction with their giant plumes of dragonfire. Few can withstand the savagery of their onslaught as they patrol Tarkir to satiate their hunger.

The Dragonlord has no patience for diplomacy or compromise; she considers talking to be a waste of time, silly jaw-wagging performed by food animals. Her preferred method of problem solving is much more straightforward: roar, roast, devour. The only time she finds value in her followers is when they deliver offerings to her plate—or when they "stumble" onto the plate themselves.

Atarka's barely sapient mentality proved to be the salvation to the Temur, as Yasova satiated her hunger by feeding her mammoth carcasses, distracting the dragons from attacking her clan. Fearful of the elementalism wielded by the shamans of the Temur, the Atarka dragons eventually initiated a purge that only a few could evade and outlawed the title "Dragonclaw".
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Dragonlord, World Render
Current Residence
Ayagor, the Dragon's Bowl
Aligned Organization

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Character Portrait image: Dragonlord Atarka by Karl Kopinski


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