Surrak, the Hunt Caller Character in Tarkir | World Anvil
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Surrak, the Hunt Caller

“The greatest honor is to feed Atarka.”

Surrak holds the position of Hunt Caller of the Atarka. The one who bears the responsibility for leading hunting missions as specified by the Dragonlord, and her chief feeder. Earning the title after an epic confrontation against a dragon who tried to steal the prey Surrak and his party hunted for Atarka. Once the dragonlord was made aware of this, she spared Surrak. Atarka considered that the strong are always above the weak, hence her decisions not to kill the hunter.   While others in the Atarka clan hunt as a means for survival, Surrak hunts for glory, for honor, and—most of all—for fun.
Current Status
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Hunt Caller
Aligned Organization

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Character Portrait image: Surrak, the Hunt Caller by Wesley Burt


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