Inarie Lyn'doria

Judicator Inarie Lyn'doria

Judicator, an elven warrior and champion of the realm.

An ethereal beauty, with a strong, passionate personality. She does her utmost to be fair and respectful of others no matter their social standing, and has a reputation that reflects that.

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Neutral Good
Vibrant green
Silvery, platinum blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Early days

Inarie was a lively and wildly independent child. While she had a temper and a strong sense of justice, she never had any intention of becoming a warrior of any kind. She originally dreamed of being a performer or musician. Crossed paths with Kal Rendyll by chance one day while returning home from visiting a friends. He looked at her intently for a moment before taking out his double-bladed scimitar and simply holding it out to her, without uttering a word. His face was calm, with no outward clues of his intent, but his piercing gaze made her feel as if she were being evaluated in some fashion.   There is a great deal of mystery regarding the Judicators, stories told that those who took their trademark weapons would be struck down by Corellan himself. But she wasn't afraid, and after a short moment consideration, she took it without a word and with no hint of fear on her face. Kal smiled, taking the weapon back, and safely storing it away. "It's decided then, you will be my disciple." he declared it casually, as one might announce dinner was ready to the family. Unlike many others, who worked hard, receiving extensive military training from a young age, just to have a chance to compete with others to be seen by a Judicator, who could dismiss the entire group without picking a disciple; she had been chosen on a chance encounter, never preparing nor thinking of it, nor desiring it. She proved to be a capable fighter regardless of her lack of previous training, quickly learning and mastering everything Master Rendyll threw at her. And anyone who objected over her qualifications quickly found themselves on the losing end of a sparring match.   Master Rendyll retired from his position, and has now taken to being an instructor, passing his position on to Inarie. She has served as a full Judicator now for nearly 60 years, with an excellent track record.


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