Xenos II Character in Tarsis | World Anvil
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Xenos II

Xenos II is an elite Diezen mechan generally working under The Black Apostle. He serves as a scout and disruptor for the Diezens, using his possessed hand cannon Blaxx to sow discord and confusion within settlements and behind Altean Army lines. Somewhat sassy and prone to backtalking his superiors, Xenos II nevertheless follows the Diezen tenants of murder for murder's sake with malicious glee. Possessed by an extraplanar being himself, he is occasionally wracked by bouts of madness, sometimes leading to powerful assaults on Alteans or the butchering of friendly Diezen cultists. While not as widely regarded as a threat as The Black Apostle, Xenos II is nonetheless a danger to any who cross his path.

Physical Description

Body Features

Xenos II is peculiar in his construction in that he more resembles an Altean mechan than a Diezen mechan; he is more well put together than the average Diezen and is painted the same desert beige as the Alteans. His midriff is replaced with a series of segmented plates that allow for more flexibility than most mechans.

Special abilities

Xenos II's Demon has carved runes on the interior of his carapace that are greatly resistant to deformation, leaving him resiliant to most forms of physical attack. Maiguns and general maiga sorcery are still fairly effective on him. Occasionally his demon tries to take greater control of his body, sometimes leading to a surge of power and reckless violence, sometimes leading to an internal struggle for control that leaves Xenos II fighting his own body, twitching and spasming.

Apparel & Accessories

A brown wide-brimmed hat sits on Xenos II's head, and a tan cloak sits draped over his shoulders, often concealing his body and the various bandoliers, belts, and holsters he wears.

Specialized Equipment

Besides Blaxx, a long cleaver, and a short energy blade, the weapons Xenos II carries around varies based on whim and situational requirement. Commonly carried firearms  include SMGs, repeater pistols, and sawed-off shotguns; weapons that can be used single handedly to facilitate the use of Blaxx.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Xenos II is often the first Diezen in a planned raid, scouting and sneaking around before using Blaxx to unleash a torrent of demons on the area.
  • He is also rather slippery, having survived encounters with the Altean Army's generals numerous times.
  • Despite his unstable nature, he is the most successful case of having a demon possess a mechan on Tarsis, though not many outside of the Diezens have tried.
Glitchy red half eye display, deep red orb in mask
5' 9"
240 lbs
Aligned Organization

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