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The War of the Gods
Scripture taken from the Canticle of the Holy Trinity written Holy Emperor Justicinis I.
10,000 years ago the War of the Gods ravaged the land. Seto, God of Light and Life, and Noc, God of Night and Death, fought over Sedetta, Goddess of Nature and Fertility. In the end, the Goddess killed herself to stop the fighting. The Gods called a truce to honor the Goddess’ sacrifice and bring the rainy season to the world. However, the damage had been done. Seto’s curse had taken hold of the world. The God of Sun and Light punished the followers of Noc. Magic would become a bane not a boon. It would rip through the world and the life forces of those who used it. Eventually, magic-users would die a painful death burned up from the inside out. Noc weakened from the War conceded to Seto and let his younger brother’s curse and punishment be extracted.   Both sides suffered horribly in the War. The three first races were eradicated. Seto lost his Angelus, Noc lost his Phoenixes, and with Sedetta’s death her Dragons vanished. Only ancient ruins are left-- decrepit remains of the first three races. However, many races do claim to be descended from one of the first three races.   Noc now gets his revenge slowly and over time. He turns Seto’s followers against Seto, leading them from the Light of the Glorious Sun and into the Cold Unforgiving Night. Evil shadows Noc’s footsteps throughout the world.   Sin and Noc are synonyms. One cannot exist without the other. Those who follow in Noc’s footsteps are cursed by the Light and are doomed to be burned by Seto’s Forgiving Light.