The Boundless Dark

Beginning in late summer 1703, citizens of Dalla began to notice that the stars seemed to be disappearing from the sky. Although astronomers had been trying to alert the general public to the mystery, it was not taken seriously until the constellation Sword of Karys disappeared in its entirety. This caused great concern, particularly in northern communities such as Eserinis and Slogutis, who worship Karys, the Dallan Goddess of War.
  As the stars disappeared, the nights became longer and longer. Daylight was slowly consumed. Emergency meetings were held, both at the national and international levels. While it remained uncertain as to what exactly was causing the problem, the source appeared to be coming from the nearby country of Flenska. Many Dallai officials spoke out in support of working with Flenska to attempt to resolve the issue, but in the end it was decided that the country of Flenska was too dangerous, and no troops were sent to assist.
  Eventually, in a matter of months, the stars disappeared entirely. The world fell into darkness. Many Dallai stayed in their homes, afraid to venture out into the endless night. Still others seemed to be taken with madness, running into the terrible darkness as if answering a siren's call. Most of "the runners" re-appeared when the light came, but they seem utterly changed by their experiences. Most appear to be experiencing a sort of malady of the mind. Many are quite dangerous.
  The Boundless Dark ended far more suddenly than it began. A shower of stars began shooting out over the sky, centred from a point within the neighbouring country of Flenska. Most of the stars stayed in the sky, although in different patterns than they were in before. Some of the lights fell back to the earth, leaving scorched holes in the earth around which no plants will grow and on which no animal appears to willingly tread. Many of these scorched areas have the remains of some creature, either monster or humanoid, inside. The Dallai people believe touching these remains is dangerous and will result in an evil curse being placed on any poor soul whose curiosity gets the better of them.
  One enormous creature, believed to be some sort of dragon, fell from the sky onto the city of Aushriné, immediately decimating half the population. The city of Aushriné was abandoned soon after.
  When the sun re-appeared in the sky, it came back hot and angry and unwelcoming. It exposed in stark relief the horrors that the Boundless Dark had cultivated, and many Dallai found that the sunlight brought more fear than comfort when it finally lit the world again.
Timeline of events:   Late Summer 1703: Astronomers within the city of Aushriné and throughout Dalla begin to note that stars seemed to be disappearing from the night sky. Dallai astronomers consulted with other countries and found, as was no surprise, that this phenomenon was being noted throughout the known world. At this point, more common folk were beginning to notice. In particular, mariners were finding it more difficult to navigate as more stars began to disappear.   Autumn 1704: Travel and trade by sea between countries began to slow down. Due to Aushriné's heavy dependence on a busy port to provide economic stability, residents became worried about the city's economic stability. The Council of Gilteen, now known as The Order, was extremely heavy heanded in their response to the city commonfolk's protests. This was when the demons began to show up on the city's streets. Aushriné entered into the winter months in a state of chaos. Between The Order closing up the city gates and refusing passage to anyone coming or going and the activity within the port slowing to a trickle, Aushriné residents, particularly the less well-off, began to really struggle to find enough food to feed their families.   Winter 1704: The days grow seem to grow shorter and shorter. This is ascribed initially to the harsh winter months, but there are rumours it is actually being caused by the disappearing stars. Residents of Aushriné are facing plagues of sickness and starvation. When they dare to leave their homes, they risk encounters with demonic entities ranging from tiny imps all the way up to chain devils and the like.   Spring 1704: With spring came a brief sense of new hope, but at this point residents of the city noticed that the days were not becoming longer again as they ought to. Instead they began quickly growing shorter and shorter until all light was lost. This may have only been a couple of weeks, or it may have been a month: it was hard to determine when one dark day melted into the next. All residents then knew was that survival was nearly impossible. Even the wealthy began to venture out of their homes in hopes of finding food or medical assistance. Most of the time they were unsuccessful, and many died during this time either by demon or by the roving gangs who had figured out a key to survival strength in numbers and in intimidation.   Spring 1704: The stars return to the sky and the dragon falls upon the city. The light returns.
After nearly all of the Dellai ambassadors to Flenska were killed in a demon attack in the Flenskan city of Whitesail, Dalla recalled its citizens from the area. One surviving member of the delegation, Ilurbis Mulk, established himself in the Dallan city of Aushriné. It is rumoured that the beleaguered city faced an even greater infestation of imps and demons upon his arrival. It is believed that he died when the Fell Beast destroyed the city, although his remains have never been found.
"What caused the interminable darkness remains, as of this writing, largely unknown. What we do know is that, with the arrival of the light, a new evil has befallen us. I sense a sickness in the earth, as if nature itself has become bitter and poisoned. I am afraid. I am afraid."
  • Gyva Berzas, Head Druid, Degti Sect, 1704
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