The Glass Hoop and Silver Sphere

Council Log: Entry 472
Recorded by Henry Lawson
League of Explorers - Vault 9, Unknown Artifacts Wing   The Glass Hoop and Silver Sphere were recovered from a wooden box hidden in a dilapidated warehouse in Zahir'ibarra, one of the bustling Nubindi trade cities. The box itself was unremarkable, but the items inside are anything but ordinary.   The Glass Hoop is a translucent ring, small and smooth, while the Silver Sphere is a metallic ball marked only by a triangle. Both are impervious to damage and display no signs of age. Despite extensive attempts to scry or analyze them with magic, the items remain inscrutable—failing to appear at all in any divination attempts. The hoop hums at different pitches when objects pass through it, though the sphere produces no sound.   Both objects are now stored in Vault 9 of the Unknown Artifacts Wing under constant supervision, awaiting further study. Their origins and purpose remain unknown.
— from the League of Explorers Archives.
  The Glass Hoop and Silver Sphere are ancient, enigmatic artifacts found together within a black, silk-like bag. Despite their simplicity, these objects have baffled scholars and adventurers for a decade. The Glass Hoop, a translucent ring roughly the size of a child’s fist, feels warm to the touch but is impervious to all damage, magical or otherwise. The accompanying Silver Sphere, a dull metallic ball marked only with a small triangle, shares these same indestructible qualities. The objects are currently stored in the heavily protected vaults of the League of Explorers, under the supervision of Trevour Gansted, the League’s head.  

Physical Properties

The Glass Hoop emits a faint hum when objects are passed through it, with the pitch varying depending on the object. Each item produces a unique, consistent tone, though the Silver Sphere is silent when passed through. This has led some to theorize that the sphere represents a pure form of matter, although its true nature remains unknown.   The hoop, sphere, and the bag they were found in are all impervious to damage. Even under extreme conditions, the objects show no signs of wear, leading to the belief that they are of indeterminate age. They emit no magical aura, and their origins remain a mystery.  
  • Humming Frequencies: Objects passed through the hoop produce a hum at a unique pitch. The Silver Sphere produces no sound when passed through.
  • Indestructible: The hoop, sphere, and silk bag are immune to all forms of damage, including magical and physical attacks.
  • Fey Aversion: Creatures of Fey origin instinctively avoid the objects, describing them as feeling "wrong." They refuse to touch or remain near the objects.

Divine and Arcane Investigations

Attempts by scholars and priests to discover more about the Glass Hoop and Silver Sphere have yielded little information. Both the [Priests of Sune, the Seeker, and the Priests of Rashida, goddess of death and balance, have tried to use divination magic to uncover the artifacts' secrets. In all cases, attempts to scry the objects have resulted in the same phenomenon—the objects appear as though they do not exist. Even while physically in front of the caster, the items vanish from view when observed through magical means, leaving behind a void.   Further attempts to seek divine insight through prayer have also proven fruitless. Both the priests of Sune and Rashida have received no visions or guidance, leading to speculation that even the gods may not know the true origin or purpose of these objects.  
  • Scrying Resistance: The Glass Hoop and Silver Sphere do not appear through scrying or other forms of divination. The objects seem to vanish, as if they do not exist in any magical or divine sense.

Mother Adranath’s Cryptic Response

When approached for answers, the Elder Fey, Mother Adranath, laughed at the suggestion that the objects might predate the Fey. She stated with amusement, “It is not of the Fey,” before offering no further explanation. The warlock who made a pact with Mother Adranath to gain these answers has since refused to speak about the objects. The warlock, like other Fey, now claims that the items feel "wrong" and avoids being near them.  

Current Custody: The League of Explorers

The Glass Hoop and Silver Sphere are securely housed within the heavily protected vaults of the League of Explorers. These vaults, located at the League’s headquarters, are reinforced with powerful wards and guard various other items of confusion and mystery. Trevour Gansted, the head of the League, oversees their safekeeping.   While the League allows scholars to examine the objects under strict supervision, the Glass Hoop and Silver Sphere are never allowed to leave the vault. Only Trevour Gansted or a member of the League’s Council may authorize examinations, which take place under their watchful eyes. Despite numerous investigations, no further understanding of their origin or purpose has been uncovered.  
  • Secure Custody: The artifacts are stored in the League of Explorers’ vaults, guarded by magical wards. Scholars may examine them only under strict supervision, and the objects cannot leave the vault.

Theories and Speculation

The Glass Hoop and Silver Sphere remain one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of the world. Some scholars theorize that the objects may come from a time before the gods or from a realm beyond their influence. The eerie silence from both Sune and Rashida, combined with Mother Adranath’s cryptic dismissal, has fueled speculation that the objects are tied to powers beyond mortal and divine comprehension.   For now, the objects remain in the vaults of the League of Explorers, guarded but still accessible to those curious enough to brave their unsettling aura. The world may have to wait for their secrets to reveal themselves in time—if they ever do.
The Glass Hope and Silver Ball

Artifact #472

Wonderous Item, Very Rare   Non-magical: The Glass Hoop and Silver Sphere do not detect as magical and do not require attunement.
  • Humming Frequencies: Objects passed through the hoop generate a unique pitch, while the Silver Sphere is silent when passed through.
  • Indestructible: The hoop, sphere, and bag are immune to all forms of damage.
  • Fey Aversion: Fey creatures instinctively avoid the objects, describing them as "wrong."
  • Scrying Resistance: Attempts to scry the Glass Hoop and Silver Sphere fail, as the objects appear not to exist in the arcane or divine realms.
  • Divine Silence: Neither Sune nor Rashida provide visions or guidance, leaving the objects’ nature a mystery even to the gods.


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