ARC-0371/Pan & ARC-0372/Themis Building / Landmark in Taxonomia Arcadia | World Anvil
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ARC-0371/Pan & ARC-0372/Themis

The Twins of Arcadia's HPCS

ARC-0371/Pan and ARC-0372/Themis are believed to be the last functioning High Particle Communications Systems (HPCS) beacons in the Arcadian-Agamemnon Rim Chain, with both being in stationary orbit over Arcadia and providing real-time visual and auditory communication across the entire planet. Pan serves the eastern hemisphere, including the current colonies in New Lakonia and as far east as the eastern side of Devonia, whilst Themis was stationed over the western hemisphere in anticipation of colonies that did not arrive due to The Collapse. Due to the post-Collapse destruction of the other beacons linking Arcadia to the Earth Empire, both satellites have not received transmissions from beyond the Arcas system in almost 200 years. Visible planetside with the naked eye, the beacons are named after Arcadia's natural satellites, the moons Pan and Themis, with most natives of Arcadia referring to them almost religiously now as 'the twins'. The continuing functioning of the beacons has been a point of debate since The Collapse, as with the ability to reach orbit and conduct repairs being out of the question, there is no knowing how long the twins will be able to provide HPCS services for the various factions of Arcadia, who rely on the small network they have to coordinate and conduct diplomacy. Talk of a communications dark age should anything happen to the satellites is a problematic subject among faction leaderships as they seek to find alternatives, and an everyday, background anxiety for ordinary people.  
Orbital, Satelite
Parent Location
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:VI-0679 'Alexandria': (CFAS Archiving Virtual Intelligence)

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