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Green Crested Mimicker

Mimica viridacrista

The Green Crested Mimicker (Mimica viridacrista) is a medium-sized bird of the Passeriformes order in the family Perniciosadae that is native to the Anapteros Forest's temperate regions. They are named for the distinctive green crest that runs from their nostrils to the back of their head, as well as the bright green tail feathers that contrast with their mostly black plumage. It is a commonly encountered species by those living and exploring the forest; the Green Crested Mimicker, like other species of its kind, show a curious interest in the activity of humans and Vasgarth, using their ability to mimic an impressive array of sounds to interact with people passing through their territory. They are highly intelligent and have been known to work together to draw explorers away from their camps with sounds of a wounded animal, people talking, and even gunfire so that others can swoop in and steal unattended food. As a passerine, the Green Crested Mimicker has an anisodactyl arrangement of toes (three pointing forwards and one backwards), which allows it to perch on the branches of the forest trees. It spends most of its life in the tree canopy, only occasionally coming to the ground to find food which, as an omnivore, consists of anything from seeds and nuts to carrion if it is available. Typically, Mimickers stay in bonded pairs for life, and on the death of a mate do not seek to find another mate for as long as they live, preferring instead to take up a caregiver role for orphaned chicks or struggling parents. The process of finding a mate is long and complex, with males and females gathering a 'catalogue' of sounds they have heard and replicating them with each other in a long-lasting courtship ritual, until the pair either decide to bond or go their separate ways.
Scientific Name
Eukarya Animalia Chordata Aves Passeriformes Perniciosadae Mimica viridacrista
20 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Geographic Distribution
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Cover image: by Locklear


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