Picros Berries Material in Taxonomia Arcadia | World Anvil
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Picros Berries

Picros berries are the fruit of the Ribes anapterii picrosa (commonly known as the Picros Berry Shrub), that grows widely in the northern region of New Lakonia. It is an extremely bitter-tasting berry that is typically consumed in a highly sweetened tea by most factions on Arcadia. Despite their undesirable taste, Picros berries are prized for their energy-giving and mood-balancing qualities as an adaptogen, making them an important staple in the diets of most Arcadians. The berries are commonly grown in hydroponic and aeroponic facilities across Arcadia for the making of Picros syrup; the base ingredient in Picros tea.


Material Characteristics

Picros berries are medium-sized currants that are spherical in shape and have a smooth, deep purple skin. The flesh inside is a lighter shade of purple with a gritty texture; the seeds are contained at the centre of the berry within thick folds of white pith, and are small, teardrop-shaped black pips. Whilst the berry is ripening on the branch, it starts off green before going from a light purple to the deep purple that indicates it is ready for picking. When the skin is perforated, the berry has a sharp, acrid odour that is considered unpleasant. This comes from the watery juice, which is a lilac-clear liquid bound in the berry's flesh.

Geology & Geography

In the wild, Picros berries are found almost exclusively in the Anapteros Forest's temperate zone, although seeds have been dispersed by travellers further afield, with their current range going as far as the southern Kiliomengi Plains. Despite this, the plant only really thrives in forested areas; this is attributed to the richer soils found in the Anapteros, whereas the Kiliomengi Plains is made up of poorer soils suited to grasses and hardy shrubs. 

Origin & Source

The Picros Berry Shrub (Ribes anapterii picrosa) is the flowering plant responsible for producing the Picros berry.  

Life & Expiration

Picros berries typically take a month or more to start rotting when kept in a cool, dry environment. When exposed to damp and warm conditions, such as a forest floor for example, they degrade much faster. Few species eat the berries due to their bitterness, but those that do are the cornerstones of the Picros' spread across its native region; Ribes anapterii picrosa is a slow-spreader, choosing to extend its reach with leaders rather than relying on the dispersion of the berry's seeds. This likely explains the surprising longevity of the fruit once ripe.  

History & Usage


Picros berries were first discovered alongside their parent plant, the Picros Berry Shrub, by the first expeditions into the Anapteros Forest pre-Collapse (anytime before 2455). However, the plant and its fruit was not properly studied until The Northern Alliance formed in 2497 and began intensely exploring its surroundings. 

Cultural Significance and Usage

See  The First Taste of Picros for more information regarding cultural uses of Picros berries.


The refining process for Picros berries into Picros syrup is fairly straightforward. The fruit is pressed and the juices collected in vats. The contents of the vats are then sent through a reverse osmosis machine, similar to maple syrup, to remove approximately half of the juice's water content. Afterwards, sweetener is added and the mixture is then stirred and boiled until it becomes thicker and slightly stickier. The syrup is allowed to cool naturally; covers go over the vats to ensure nothing contaminates the mixture, and it is typically allowed to settle and mature for a few days before being bottled for use in tea.  

Byproducts & Sideproducts

The mush left over from the berries being pressed for syrup are usually added to compost heaps or fed to less discerning domesticated animals. More recently, it has been discovered that grinding the mush of Picros berries down even further and adding water and starches can create a natural purple paint; more watery versions of this mixture have also been used as a dye for fabrics, as Picros juice is renowned for staining.


Trade & Market

Considered a staple among most factions, Picros berries are generally always reserved for the making of syrup for teas, but they are sometimes given out to citizens who request them for home syrup-making. Some people prefer to do this as freshly-picked berries are considered much more desirable to flash-frozen ones, which could have been hanging around for a year or more before processing. As most factions use a system of daily food and drink rationing rather than any form of currency (Arcadia's inhabitants rely on a bartering system), it is made sure that Picros syrup or Picros berries are distributed proportionately to every citizen who wants them.


Picros berries are stored in a cool, dry place after picking to slow down their rate of decay. In some places, they are flash-frozen and stored in freezers so as to create a large reserve for making syrup. This is typically done within larger factions with specialised food storage facilities, such as the CFAS and AEU, whereas The Northern Alliance, despite having the means for flash-freezing, do not tend to use it as it is considered an unnecessary drain on their energy supplies.

Law & Regulation

In the berry's native region, some people brave the wilds to pick the berries fresh, especially during the start of the autumn when they are at their ripest on the branch. However, there are limits in place as to how much a single person can pick in a given week, with some factions (particularly The Northern Alliance) making it mandatory for citizens to declare their hauls to ration officers. This amount is then deducted from whatever they can collect from the faction's reserves. At best, it is considered greedy to take more than a person's fair share, and at the very worst it is actually illegal.
Sharp when crushed; no odour when intact
Very bitter; burns the tongue
Dark purple skin; purple flesh with lilac-clear juice; black seeds
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Cover image: by Locklear


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