The Red Network Organization in Taxonomia Arcadia | World Anvil
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The Red Network

The Red Network is a splinter faction of the Earth Empire Exodists (E/E/E), that leans on the extreme side of the Exodist Imperative culture and violently broke away from its parent faction around 2505, when dissidents accused the E/E/E leaders of being too cautious in pursuing their goals. The Network is considered a terrorist group by almost every faction on Arcadia, including the E/E/E, and only holds a few tenuous relations with other fringe Exodist groups, such as the Suns of Earth, from which they recruit a good deal of their members. They are known for employing violence against Isolationist factions in particular, raiding settlements, expeditions, and trade convoys for technology they deem vital to their cause of getting off-world. Despite their fascination with acquiring technology at all costs, members of The Red Network are a mostly nomadic people, never settling in one place for too long in case of discovery. Their homes consist of a mix of vehicles and tents carried by domesticated animals, split into caravans called 'cells', which remain in contact with each other via encrypted radio frequencies. It is not known how many cells exist, or whether there is a central leader to the entire faction, but the Network is reckoned to have considerable numbers at their beck and call, bolstered by Exodists disillusioned with the moderate Exodist factions.  

United by Threads, Bound by Steel

Founding Date
Illicit, Terrorist group
Alternative Names
The Network
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Barter system
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities
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:VI-0679 'Alexandria': (CFAS Archiving Virtual Intelligence)

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Cover image: by Locklear
Character flag image: by Locklear

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