Tiamat, Progenitor of the Hells
About Tiamat, Progenitor of the Hells
Tiamat, Progenitor of the Hells (commonly referred to as "Tiamat" or "The Progenitor") is the dragon goddess who is known as the “Proginetor of the Hells”, an evil deity who resides over the infernal realms and seeks to expand them. She is a magnificent dragon made of colorful crystals, sparkling and shining with every movement. She radiates beams of light and energy, and controls the forces of magic and illusion. She is the embodiment of vanity and greed, and desires to possess and consume all things of beauty and value.Cleric Allignment
Lawful Evil Neutral Evil Chaotic Evil Chaotic Neutral NeutralDivine Domains
Order, Death, Grave
Divine Symbols & Sigils
A five pointed star. Sometimes each point consists of the different colors of the chromatic dragons.
Tenets of Faith
Seek to amass wealth and power by any means necessary, for they are the true measures of greatness. Spread the worship of Tiamat across the lands, by force or by deception, and destroy those who oppose her will.
A five pointed star. Sometimes each point consists of the different colors of the chromatic dragons.