World Anvil Resolutions in TBD | World Anvil
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World Anvil Resolutions

1.   Meeraz city shows how you can specialize a settlement. They are able to sustain themselves and create new discoveries. With their focus on discovery, it would make sense that they focus on education so you have the state paid for schools. Since space is limited it makes sense that if you can't grow out you grow up or down, this leads to making sense where the storage space in the island. Meeraz City also has a good history included where they have some successes and failures from their focus on discovery which helps build relation to the place.   2.   Stonelord's Throne is a good example of a settlement that has passed it's prime. It has some cool backstory in the controversy between giants and humans and how the half giants died or assimilated. The idea of a Giant hiding underground or in caverns is ironic and I love it. It allows me to just kind of kick loose and run with the Ideas I have and figure out the how later. Also this settlement helps show that not everything about a settlement has to be good or just functional which is an area that I could improve on.   3.   Baen and the horde have captured the essence of infighting and someone rising from that fighting and applying the skills learned in all that infighting to other enemies. It is cool to see how developed the faction is and the history of them. Giving narrative reasons for a smaller amount of information on the faction due to the dangerous nature of a horde leader rising to power was a good touch as it felt like the information presented was as complete and whole as it could be. This also was an example of having sub-factions in a faction.   4.   I like that the DRG (Dwarven Rockbreaker Guild) is run at the top by people who have been at the bottom. I feel as though this lends to the credibility of the leaders and would boost the resolve of the miners. Like the article mentions, it also helps ensure that the miners are as safe and as comfortable as they can be in that line of work. Having a list of the original board of directors is also helpful for giving the setting of the founding of the guild. It helps to cement the founding of the DRG in the world that the author has created.   5. Language systems have been fascinating to me ever since discovering Middle-Earth and all that Tolkien created and adopted. The Red Tongue does a good job of not only showing some common phrases, names, and Family names but they also describe the Phonology, geographical distribution, and how it changes over time. There is so much to a language that I don't know how someone can develop them, but it is cool to see when done well. As I am not currently working on a language, there is a limited amount of application, but it is cool to see it being done and inspires me to continue to develop my world!   6.   The Etik Resin is a cool example of how you can develop a material that is not a mineral. I never thought about making a material based off of maple syrup. They do a good job at not only creating a unique material, but also tying it into the lore and creating controversy over how the material is being used. This is something that I need to continue to improve at. Currently most of my materials are developed and used world wide as I haven't gotten to the point of deciding what resource comes from where.   7.   This article is written more as a story expressing information rather that a wiki type article. I think that having your information grounded in lore is a good thing, however I feel like this makes it more difficult to gather the information about the world. It is a neat idea, but not one I will be adopting in my world articles. Feldspar seems like a really neat idea and seems to be integrated into their world, but there is a lot of excess information in this article.   8.   This article provides a nice balance of information as well as history.  The price to reward ratio seems to be well established.  The process for making one is also well defined.  I like how there are different ways to accomplish the task of creating a living sword.  Personally I like to stay away from gods and demons, but I realize that most people don't have that reservation.  Some questions I am left with are things like: How many times can a smith put part of their soul in blades? What happens to the blades when the smith dies if he put part of his soul in the blade? What happens to the smith when he dies?   9. The author of this article combines science with magic, math with magic.  I like the idea of magic being something not understood and allowing science to develop and tame the wildness of magic.  It also give lots of room to grow with the system as you have a limitless number of runes to explore and try new things. and develop new artifacts and how they can help shape the world.   10. The idea of corporations adapting magic and selling devices that run on magic make perfect sense and is kinda funny to think about, but makes perfect sense.  the corporate espionage is kinda a funny twist of things.  Majika-S and Leon Musk are amusing tie in to our real world.  This article strikes a nice balance between the Wiki information dump and a more lore stroy driven information delivery system.   New Year's Resolution.   I now have a campaign happening in my world which is super exciting.  Because of this my goal for the year is to develop areas more fully and build places to not only have adventures, but to learn lessons about God. Like C.S Lewis or Tolkein.


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Jan 22, 2023 20:27 by TJ Trewin

Good luck with your goals for the year! :D

Journals of Yesteryear

Please consider voting for me in the 2024 Worldbuilding Awards!
Jan 23, 2023 14:43

Thank you for mentioning one of my articles! Glad you liked it ^^ Best of luck to reach your goals this year and hope that you can have some great adventures!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!