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This group is the lowest group in terms of their kin. Often times holding very few draconic features and traits. Some only have scales, while some have nothing upon them at all and can blend in with the Kla'tani race almost flawlessly. Their one thing that separates them usually is their body shape and statures, and innate connection to the schools of magic that are related to their flights originally.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Eliza, Harper, Clementine

Masculine names

Alfred, Theodore, Porter

Family names

Rosemary, Williams, Davies


Major language groups and dialects

Draconic, Kla'tani, Common

Culture and cultural heritage

A culture of hiding and blending. These people have long been known to be reclusive and hidden in plain sight away from those who would seek magic and to abuse its power. Often within cities groups of Augorians will live right under the nose of individual who think them to be Cre'tani, when a whole cell of them is living in the neighborhood just down the way.

Shared customary codes and values

Family heritage remains, but anonymity is also important to these people. Most are reclusive, and very rarely form family groups larger than 5. Remaining anonymous or unknown to the general populace comes out of long fears of being abuse for their magical skills from long back in the First Kla'tani Empire

Common Etiquette rules

Usually well-mannered and refined, but they can be just as brash and rowdy as dwarves or Cre'tani

Common Dress code

Wide varying clothing styles based on locations. But usually nothing wild like their other kin that barely just cover the important bits

Art & Architecture

Architecture among these people is much more designed and refined their other kin. More permanent settlements, ideals, and ideas for building structures come from being around others who do similar constructions over time. They adopt local ideals and change them with small draconic heads or other decorative facets

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Most traditions are honored widely, but Lyvic is reputed among them because of many of their roguish tendencies

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Nothing specific

Coming of Age Rites

Young usually prove themselves of their own accord similar to Cre'tani

Funerary and Memorial customs

Buried and interred in family locales

Common Taboos

Usually anything have to do with dark deities, but some individuals have gone against such

Common Myths and Legends

The Great Devouring Maw, The Long-eared Stalker, The Creaking Sky


Beauty Ideals

Easily blended with society, these people hold their standard beauty ideals. Defining their characteristics that make them beautiful or masculine like normal, with cosmetics upon certain locations

Gender Ideals

Usually patriarchal in terms of ruling bodies, but commonly equal ground otherwise

Courtship Ideals

Usually a small scattering of fish or dragon scales is tossed at the others doorstep before anything of merit occurs

Relationship Ideals

Both are expected to carry equal weight in relationships like most
Encompassed species
Related Locations

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