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"Now this here is a weapon. Forged not by Ghe'tani, but Earthen Drawls? Come! Let us tear down a mountain!" - Notes from a Taldorian Soldier's Diary

Master craftsman, forgers, and creators, this ancient breed of Drawl is where most of the tales of great crafted weapons of ancient draconic origin come from. These great creators and designers of weapons share a similar heritage with many other Drawls groups, but define themselves differently by their thicker exterior skin, taller stature than others, and lack of ability to breathe fire aside from a few. Despite the advantages and drawbacks, their culture still exists today, but greatly diminished of what it used to be along the southern portions of Taldoria. Some of these people and their descendants have made homes in Ghe'tani cities for their love of crafting, and feel right at home among the smaller humanoids.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Charla, Kaeba, Lakatha

Masculine names

Dyoncles, Fogran

Family names

Raestha, Larrash, Reshinyia


Major language groups and dialects


Culture and cultural heritage

A culture of creation and passed on secrets to the next generation.

Shared customary codes and values

Crafting, creation, and never destruction are the values of these people. Old structures and buildings are recycled or repaired, never destroyed, and made new once more as with old armor and weapons unless they are beyond such uses, then they are melted for the next generation. Such is the cycle of the Earthen

Common Etiquette rules

Ironically, very similar to Forge Ghe'tani. Sort of rough and crass, but they can be forever allies and forever loyal when such things are proven to them

Common Dress code

Usually metallic armaments or casual leather garb covering appropriate areas, but nothing very fancy, always function over beauty

Art & Architecture

Their art is in their craft. Their homes and buildings are crafted well, but their true art is the weapons and armor they create. Putting most other races to shame until the Forge Ghe'tani arose, their old crafts still linger

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Family ties connect these people, and each generation learns from the last and seeks to improve upon their families work. Projects can even span whole multiple groups of generations until something is finished completely

Birth & Baptismal Rites

A small sprinkle of soot is dangled over the young's face

Coming of Age Rites

Proving their worth by crafting an item of quality from their learned traditions

Funerary and Memorial customs

Buried and interred where they were born, even if it is a volcano or deep cave

Common Taboos

Not many, as the culture of these people rarely venture into darker magics or anything of such where it would be a common issue

Common Myths and Legends

Artorius and the Legend of the Red Blade, Lanius the Great, The Earthmother

Historical figures

Fogran, Charla


Beauty Ideals

In contrast to their cousins, the Reds, these people do not highly value great appearance and cosmetics. In fact, some might even say the opposite. A sweaty brow covered with grime, rust, or soot would be more attractive to these people than any clean appearance. Showing work and grit in their craft comes with their beauty ideals.

Gender Ideals

While older drawl groups are often patriarchal, Eathern Drawls idolize symbolic leadership among equal parties, and thus, either gender can progress to great heights of leadership and battle.

Courtship Ideals

Familiar to some, and strange to others, presenting a finely crafted piece, be it a weapon, jewelry, or otherwise, is given to one party as a beginning step for such practices

Relationship Ideals

Despite their equality, the males of the relationship are often the ones who are sent off to the brute work while the women take care of the home front, this can be reversed however in some rare cases

Major organizations

The Council of Earth (Disbanded)
Related Locations

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