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The northern reaches of the world are cold and foreboding to travelers and those not used to the climates of Aldaria. However, these creatures are some of the first within the continent to harness the cold temperatures. Their empire was shared with the Obsidian Drawls in their times of peace and prosperity over the continent until the inevitable fall of war that arose great figures. Though the continent has drifted a bit south since their time of their Empire, they still persist in great numbers, though with the invasion of the White Queen, many of these drawl found themselves either fighting or dying for or against their leader. Their strength today is vastly decreased of what it used to be.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Yaevala, Relca, Horlva

Masculine names

Hardoo, Talasdo

Family names

Feehsarn, Cincsha, Polis


Major language groups and dialects


Culture and cultural heritage

Long historical buildings left in the wake of devastation are scattered across the northern plains of Aldaria, ancient knowledge is found fairly often and is either cataloged and returned to these people or hidden away

Shared customary codes and values

To these Drawl, honoring leadership and the dragons that govern them is the most important. This of course led to a downfall of the majority of their people with the great wars that took place. Some sought to honor their leader in terms of their draconic ancestors, while others sought to honor their leader in terms of Drawl as a whole within Aldaria.

Common Etiquette rules

Not the most refined of creatures, but certainly not crass or brutish.

Common Dress code

Usually covered in loose linens or heavier shawls or furs when necessary for the cold, despite their ancestral heritage

Art & Architecture

Art for these people is in their people and knowledge. Being in the basin for knowledge, these Drawl in the past have often been the historical keepers alongside the Obsidian Drawls in their ancient great temples and works.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

A small tradition among these people only comes at the winter solstice where gifts are exchanged between others in times of peace as a sign of good will and bonding

Coming of Age Rites

Young usually must climb a tall peak and look out over the landscape and perhaps gain insight or spiritual connection of the world

Funerary and Memorial customs

Usually interred with a frozen tombstone to commemorate their history

Common Taboos

Dark magic and other dark deities

Common Myths and Legends

The War of Zar, The Heroic Tales of Balastius

Historical figures

Balastius the Explorer


Beauty Ideals

Within the two Drawl kingdoms in Aldaria these creatures consider themselves the more beauty focused of the groups. Their armor and clothing are usually more fashionable and usually held with cleaner keeping of their horns, facial features, and overall fairly sleek bodies

Gender Ideals

Historically balanced leadership, but since the rise of the White Queen, and inevitable fall, males have come to hold the power of the smaller villages that remain

Courtship Ideals

A small bundle of snow is usually placed on ones head as a joke, usually followed by a playful bout

Relationship Ideals

Usually fairly balanced in terms of who does what, no leaning one way or the other

Major organizations

The Observatories of the Heavens (Disbanded) The White Queen's Army (Disbanded) The Aldarian Draconic Empire
Related Locations

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