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"These blasted Treeskippers don't know when they are beat! Burn the forests! Let them run and hide in the ashes of their precious woods!" - Nero

Considered by some to be the most elegant and most elf-like of the species, these creatures hold strange ancestry and stranger appearance. Green and yellowish in coloration usually, but their wings are often in the shape of insects, or rather grasshopper wings. Folded over their back usually like long capes when resting, they earned the foul name Treeskippers back when they resisted the Red Empire during its warring days. These slim and lithe Drawl are some of the shortest of the species, but also the fastest.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Shira, Clea, Yenisma

Masculine names

Rakeel, Moham

Family names

Basara, Wasem, Shadid


Major language groups and dialects


Culture and cultural heritage

Traditions of story telling, of the wilds, and great tales of hunts within them

Shared customary codes and values

Duty and honor to one's family and the wilds. These Drawl idolize the natural world, the trees, and forests just as much as their word of their ancestors and family figures.

Common Etiquette rules

Usually well-kept and refined among their courts and higher ranking officials down to the lower peasants who farm and till the natural woods

Common Dress code

Dressed in linens, robes, or fine leather wear that all is fairly form fitting and regal

Art & Architecture

Their art is in the way they fight, hunt, and live. Their architecture however usually extends to a singular structure that used to stand within the forests of Taldoria far to the south. This location has long since faded from history and memory...but is still hunted by treasure seekers for its rumors and grand design of an ancient and powerful pyramid of solid gold.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Usually great hunts occur around the later months in preparation for the winter months and contests usually come with them

Birth & Baptismal Rites

A small crushed sprig of grass is smeared on both cheeks

Coming of Age Rites

Usually a first hunt solo to return with a catch

Funerary and Memorial customs

Interred within their great pyramids and monuments at the heart of their villages or locales

Common Taboos

Fire and anything involving the destruction of forests

Common Myths and Legends

Artorius and the Legend of the Red Blade

Historical figures



Beauty Ideals

Well kept and well groomed, these Drawl are often well taken care of and quite beautiful to behold, given their 'elven' myths along with their affinity for the trees and the wind.

Gender Ideals

Male led predominately, even in ancient times. Females are among some of the stronger of their warriors, but outside of a few rare cases, males have led primarily

Courtship Ideals

A sprig of grass is usually presented on an arrowhead to a reciprocating individual

Relationship Ideals

Usually hunting or surviving together, often sharing the load and moving through whatever hardships they have hand in hand

Major organizations

The Empire of Wind
Related Locations

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