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Techno's Toril Tales

1489 DR - Year of the Warrior Princess

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Hello and welcome to Techno's Toril Tales, a product of The Techno God (TTG) Wrights, LLC, and a journey shared by myself, my Partner in Life, Kat, some friends we’ve met along the way, and now folks from Start Playing Games and Beyond!


  Toril, Krynn, Eberron, and all other worlds of Wizards of the Coasts’ Forgotten Realms Intellectual Property is owned wholly by them. Techno’s Toril Tales are merely a rendition of their stories already published, and not official in any capacity.   We pull content from many books that are published by Wizards of the Coast and there are more than a few tales we are playing. This does not gurantee that all will be shared here, but I've a fondness for the Forgotten Realms, and have made many friends that love those stories too.  

Hunters of the Dragon Queen

For now, Hunter's of the Dragon Queen is the main show and houses multiple parties. Each use the "Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide", "Fizban's Treasury of Dragons", and "Planescapes" as core sources of content for the experience.   To read more about the plots and subplots of this experience, or even join, please go to this link.

Additional Toril Tale Experiences

Newer Campaign additions to the site that will likely take on forms of different media.  

Trek of the Dales

The Travelers of Icewind Dale are a group of friends who are mostly artists and writers that use the time and space to inspire and muse on things for their characters. Choices made extrapolated and infused into their true tale. This game is using "Rime of the Frostmaiden" and "Storm King's Thunder" in their tale, and likely a few pepperings from "Bigby's Glory of the Giants"

Delvers of Shadow

The Delvers of the Ravenloft Shadow, are continuing "Curse of Strahd" with wisps of "Van Richten's Guide" to inform a unique plane of shadow one day before too long, but we're on a little hiatus with this because of our shift in focus to play Red Hunters. When we return, it will begin to feature a realm most dark, one clawing at the walls of Shadow, waiting for Strahd's end.
It is vital to note that while the foundational lore is publisblished and owned by Wizards, mine and my players' creativity and passion, and little moments of spontaneity are what create these shared tales. With boundless joy, I am happy to share my scribing and reciting of it with y’all.   ---   Green Dragon Hunter's content will feature recaps, written as a multi-page short story and read aloud with music interlay - being immortalized via Podcasts. We are sure to play with more mediums in the future as well with the other Hunters, the Travelers and the Delvers, so stay tuned and enjoy!