Gina Calderon's Safe

The safe is about 30 inches across, 18 inches high and 24 inches of depth. It is matte black and very, very heavy. The door is in the center of the front face - 18 inches wide and 10 inches high, a pretty narrow opening. There are no visible hinges, just a slight line where around the door.   To the left of the door is a small keypad of numbers with a basic digital display above it, much like a calculator.   The safe was taken out of Gina's apartment around 2:30PM on Monday 2/14/2022. It was taken to be opened by Grigor Bransilav that evening.   Once opened, it contained:   Money
  • 20k in 100s (two wraps) -- given to Grigor
  • 20k in 50s (4 wraps) -- given Grigor
  • 40k in 20s (20 thick wraps, in two bundles), split between V3RM1N and Desmond.
A plastic bag of 3 old flip phones. A sticky on the safe door - "9PM 2/17"   A handwritten ledger documenting increasing account balances in USD, the increase is steady until a spike about 40 entries ago.   A Mysterious Simsense Drive.  


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