Gina's Calderon's Laptop

Gina's laptop as a beautiful etching of a beach and sunset on the top. It is finely polished silver without any scuff marks. The area around the Simsense slots is heavily scratched from consistent use.  
  • There is an email from the landlord of her apartment building, "Reminder to tenants - DO NOT DISPOSE OF ELECTRONIC HARDWARE IN THE APARTMENT TRASH. We will be monitoring apartments for breach of this rule."
  • There is an electronic calendar with dates for: a resort reservation for a spa in New Mexico City beginning Monday 2/22/2022, various vet appointments for her two pekinese dogs, and regular apartments for practicing martial arts with Franny.


Owned by Gina Calderon, a drug supplier in relation to Gene Vanisi and Crank.
Item type
Electronic / Cybernetic


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