James Wyatt

Tlamanih Police Department, Superhuman Task Force   Very skilled negotiator, born in Chicago.
  • Prepared surveillance activities when the Nocenti group was planning to meet with Kamitsu re: energy weapons.
  • When the heroes were planning to head to the manufacturing rig, his undercover agents were investigating. He sifted through El Dorado's data for clues.
  • He watched over Simon Nocenti, who was in jail, feeling bad about his part in transporting illegal weapons.
  • It was Wyatt who convinced police chief Villasquez to agree to go to Black Tiger's meeting at the bungalo.
  • Spent a lot of resources tracking gang activity, logistics, for toa and Kamitsu.
  • When the heroes started a fight with Kamitsu at the orbital shuttle, Wyatt warned them the Trimegistus council was on the way to fuck them up.
  • Wyatt helped with city-wide efforts to help citizens during the battle with demons.


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