Lenny Blackwell


  Lenny is a six-foot-tall, bald and scarred powerhouse, known for his psychotic tendencies and extensive criminal record. As the lead operative for the notorious Strongarm Bounty Hunter Corporation, he's a figure of fear and chaos in Neo Tlamanih, often operating with brutal efficiency under the protection of the Lawbringer system.  


  Born in Norwich, UK, Lenny's family moved to London during his childhood, hoping to curb his deviant tendencies. Despite their efforts, he quickly fell into a life of crime, excelling in theft, car stealing, mugging, and even murder. By his early twenties, Lenny was the last man standing from his gang, the rest having been incarcerated.   In his late twenties, Lenny found a fitting, albeit twisted, career as a police officer, where his violent and psychotic behavior was often shielded by the system. His string of civil suits eventually led to his dismissal, but he soon joined international security and intimidation teams, leaving a trail of war crimes and earning a spot on INTERPOL's wanted list. His skills and ruthless nature landed him a top position with the Strongarm Bounty Hunter Corporation, operating in Neo Tlamanih under the employment of the Mendoza-Carillo cartel.  


  Lenny's motivations are deeply rooted in his violent and chaotic nature. He thrives on the thrill of the hunt and the power he wields over others. His position within the Strongarm Bounty Hunter Corporation allows him to indulge in his violent tendencies while maintaining a semblance of purpose, driven by a desire for dominance and the thrill of high-stakes pursuits.  


  Lenny's combat abilities are a deadly blend of military training and street-fighting prowess. Skilled with small arms, automatic weapons, and hand-to-hand combat, he is a formidable opponent in any confrontation. His strategy often involves leveraging his black market resources and criminal connections to outmaneuver and overpower his targets, with a particular knack for creating chaos and exploiting it to his advantage.  


  Lenny stands at six feet tall, with a muscular build that speaks to his strength and agility. His bald head is marked with numerous scars from a car crash years ago, giving him a menacing appearance. His piercing blue eyes and a perpetually grim expression add to his intimidating presence, making him a figure that is hard to forget.  


  Lenny's personality is a volatile mix of cunning and brutality. He is known for his hair-trigger temper and a complete lack of empathy, which makes him a dangerous individual to cross. Despite his psychotic tendencies, he is also highly intelligent and resourceful, often using his cunning to manipulate situations to his favor. His reputation as the "scum of the earth" is well-earned, but his connections and skills keep him in a position of power within the criminal underworld.


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