Neon Shadows #10 - Director's Response to Viper Kane

11AM, Sunday 2/20/2022   The camera opens on a room bathed in cold, artificial light, every detail precise and immaculate. At the center sits the Director, behind a massive wood desk polished to a mirror finish. Their golden mechanical helmet is adorned with intricate engravings that catch the light, the face plate hides all shreds of humanity. Golden metallic gloves encase their hands, fingers resting on the desk’s surface. The Director’s white business suit is pristine, the fabric sharp and unwrinkled. Behind them, the walls pulse with complex, shifting patterns, moving in a living rhythm. Simulated windows frame a sunset that never changes, vibrant colors frozen in time, casting a fabricated glow over the room.   The Director begins to speak, their voice clear and resonant, filled with a chilling confidence.   Director: "Citizens of Neo Tlamanih, there are those among you who believe you can operate beyond the reach of the Law Bringer, that your actions—whether driven by greed, malice, or misguided ideals—can escape my notice. Let me assure you, this is a grave misunderstanding. You are permitted to exist within this great city because it is my will, and my will alone. The laws are not mere suggestions; they are the foundation of order, the very fabric that holds our society together. To circumvent them is to unravel the threads of our civilization."   As the Director continues, the scene shifts seamlessly from the office to a video. The screen shows a sleek international jet soaring over the ocean, the horizon painted with the first light of dawn. The flight is a direct route from the island fortress of Neo Tlamanih to the mainland United States. The Director's voice continues to echo, calm and unwavering, as the video plays out.   Director (voice-over): "There are many who believe they can operate under the radar, hidden from the all-seeing eyes of our system. But understand this: if you live outside the law, it is not because you have evaded detection. It is because you have been allowed to, for now."   Suddenly, the video takes a darker turn. A dense, metallic cloud materializes out of thin air, blocking the jet’s path as it crosses the border of Neo Tlamanih's airspace. The cloud, unnatural and foreboding, engulfs the plane. Inside the cabin, passengers are thrown into chaos—red and blue lights flash, and screams of terror fill the air. The Director's voice remains calm, almost serene.   Director (voice-over): "You are mistaken if you believe your transgressions are unseen. The Law Bringer’s reach is infinite, its grasp unyielding. This is the reality of our world, where justice is not delayed, and consequences are absolute."   The metallic cloud moves with terrifying precision, descending upon a single man sitting quietly amidst the panic. The cloud envelops him, and then, as suddenly as it appeared, it dissipates. The man is gone. In his place, only empty air and a faint, metallic residue remain. A robotic voice, emotionless and mechanical, fills the cabin.   Robotic Voice: "Bankruptcy processed, biological repossession complete. Thank you for your patience."   The video ends, but the Director’s voice persists, now returning to the image of the figure sitting behind the desk, their golden helmet reflecting the simulated sunset behind them.   Director: "This city, this world, runs on order. You exist within it because I allow it. For the greater good."   The scene fades to black, the Director's final words echoing in the silence, leaving an indelible mark on the viewer's mind.


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