Neon Shadows #10 - Henry Dodds' Interview

The Neo-Tlamanih Mirror (Grocery Store Tabloid)


Scarlet Shield Saves Kidnapped Bellhop: The Ethics of Detain and Torture

10AM, Sunday 2/20/2022. Robert L. Stephenson   Good evening, I'm [Anchor's Name], and tonight we bring you an exclusive interview with Henry Dodds, a middle-aged bellhop who recently experienced a harrowing ordeal. Dodds was kidnapped by the notorious Strongarm Bounty Hunters, who mistakenly believed he held vital information about a high-profile target. During his captivity, Dodds endured brutal treatment at the hands of the bounty hunters. Footage now playing behind me, though low in quality, shows the emotional moment when Dodds was reunited with his family. The raw footage captures his family embracing him on their doorstep, tears streaming down their faces. In a statement made during our interview, Dodds shared his thoughts on his miraculous escape. "I didn't think I would make it, but the Scarlet Shield and his sidekicks came and saved me. Thank you so much, I can hold my children again." His gratitude is palpable, and his words resonate deeply with anyone who has ever faced a life-threatening situation. Dodds' ordeal serves as a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in the shadows of our city, and the heroes who risk their lives to combat them.   However, as heart-wrenching as Dodds' experience was, it falls within the legal boundaries established by the city's Request to Detain and Torture forms. The guidelines, while controversial, allow for such extreme measures under specific circumstances. Dodds' case, though severe, is unfortunately not an isolated incident, and it raises important questions about the ethics and legality of such practices. Stay tuned as we continue to investigate the broader implications of this system on our community.   Update - After a thorough investigation into the broader implications of the Request to Detain and Torture system, authorities have concluded that the practices fall within acceptable parameters given the overarching need for public safety and the greater good. As such, the case surrounding Henry Dodds and similar incidents has been officially closed.


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