Neon Shadows #9 Part 3 - Net Death

General Summary

Alex's Annihilation Protocol

Alex feverishly pounded the keyboard as he destroyed the lives of three Strongarm bounty hunters. The security camera footage from Gina's apartment had been scrubbed, but he found what he was looking for in the news helicopter video feed. Three familiar faces walked casually away from the scene without a care in the world. Fueled by visions of Henry Dodds' torture at the spa at the hands of these men, Alex set to work.   Bank accounts drained, mortgages in default, credit destroyed, tax evasion notices compiled, all personal information leaked to the darkest corners of the net. Alex wasn't satisfied. He wanted to control their movements like they had controlled poor Henry Dodds, all tied up with his limbs chopped off.   Hacking Lawbringer is not easy. In fact, it is deadly. But doing it was the only way to push the men out into the open where the rest of the team could get ahold of them and... question... them.   The first two bounty hunters were insignificant. Some no-name thugs without any special net protections. It was easier to find legitimate evidence of crime online—these guys were all over surveillance and security systems—than to do any hacking. He shipped the terabytes of evidence to the Lawbringer community response channels and waited. Submitting evidence to Lawbringer through proper channels is a stressful situation; the algorithm is notorious for deciding the citizen sending the evidence was more guilty than the defendant. The prompt blinked quickly, lighting up Alex's face in the darkness. Finally, a high-priority security warrant was confirmed, apprehension ETA 11 minutes.   Then there was Jordan Finn, aka Viper Kane. Despite everyone knowing his name, there was very little incriminating evidence online. The only video Alex could find was from the news helicopter, and shortly after he copied it, even that disappeared. He would need a different angle.   The phone calls were short and to the point. The junior accountant accepted the cash and was on his way to the airport—off to enjoy his new life in Beijing. It wasn't cheap, and Alex would need to eat fewer steaks and cancel his trip to the moon this winter. But such is the price of justice.   Kane's list of aliases was impressive, and taking them all down took hours. Like the others, Alex destroyed them financially. Additionally, he blacklisted them from any rentals, hotels, motels, campsites, community properties, and all civilian stores. Alex systematically removed Kane's options for going anywhere—except the Strongarm barracks by the Tlamanih Cargo Locks.   Job nearly done, Alex relaxed. No matter what happened to him, Kane would see justice. He packaged up the files and sent them to V3RM1N. The rat would make sure Kane got what he deserved.   But... just in case...   This time he did have to hack Lawbringer, and Alex went big. Murder, moving violations, assault, assassination, treason, and, most importantly, multi-decade tax evasion. He was sure Lawbringer would detect a percentage of his injected crimes as tampering, but it wouldn't catch them all. Something would stick.   The Lawbringer response wasn't a surprise, and Alex never read it as he was busy packing. Maybe Jamaica this time?  
117 Crimes Accepted. 74 Warrants Issued. Delayed warrant request approved, execution will occur in twelve hours.
Crimes identified for submitting citizen . Evidence could not be compiled without crimes committed. Priority warrant issued. Thanks for your cooperation.
Report Date
20 May 2024
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