
Tommy was a weak, sickly child. His father was an astronomer at the university who was obsessed with searching for signals from alien civilizations. He stole experimental technology from his lab on campus so he could work in private. He eventually received a signal that, when decoded, contained instructions for building an alien power core.   Tommy snuck into his father’s lab one night and accidentally knocked the power core to the floor. Damaged, the core responded by bonding with Tommy, fusing its alien technology to his flesh and turning him into a nearly invincible bio-synthetic construct.   The superhero Galaxy Girl, herself an alien, has been helping Tommy understand what happened to him and encouraging him to put his powers to use for the good of Halcyon City.
"Fear not, civilians. Adamant will protect you."   Hero Name Adamant   Real Name Tommy Tan   Powers Monstrous appearance, impenetrable armor, inhuman might   Playbook Transformed


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