
Lane is a member of the Pantheon legacy, a group of heroes whose powers are derived from gods, demigods and other powerful supernatural beings. As a child, Lane was always fascinated by the Egyptian artifacts his mother catalogued and restored for the Halcyon City Museum of History. A few years ago he was having a hard time. His father had done time in prison for a string of thefts and had been released, causing tension in Lane's home. Lane took his mothers access card and snuck out one night, intending to get out of the house and explore some of the new exhibits his mother was preparing. In the museum he found a scroll and, having learned hieroglyphics from his mother, deciphered it. Reading the scroll out loud called forth the power of Amun and infused lane with mystical energies. Other members of the Pantheon detected this event and brought Lane into the fold.
Hero Name Ammon-Rah   Real Name Lane LeClerc   Powers Mythic might, god-like beauty, magic weaponry   Playbook Legacy


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