
Alex grew up in New Esperanza but would travel back to the Old Country to visit extended family every summer. One night he woke up and felt compelled to climb into the mountains. There he found a mystical lion caught in a trap. Alex freed the lion who granted him mythical strength, passion and nobility.   Alex enjoys working with other young heroes. He thinks they need him to stay focused and hone their abilities into powerful tools against evil. Alex can be impatient with others and prefers direct action and overt aggression to subterfuge and subtlety. Although Alex is strong enough to throw cars and punch through concrete walls, he is a skilled wrestler and prefers locks and throws to swinging fists.
"Enough talking!"   Hero Name Androcles   Real Name Alexios Athanasiou   Powers Divine ancestry provides enhanced toughness, strength and fighting ability   Playbook Bull
Current Location


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