
Grady's family are all super smart and super weird. His parents built a spaceship so they could explore the galaxy and decided to bring their kids along "for the educational value." It was fun until their ship was pulled into a spatial anomaly that catapulted them into dark space outside the galaxy. They limped to an unknown planet to land for repairs.   Unbeknownst to them, the planet was long-lost Archonia, home to an incredibly ancient and extinct civilization. While exploring, Grady activated some ancient Archonian device that transferred his mind into a huge construct. As brilliant as they are, Grady's parents couldn't find a way to reverse the process.   Grady's new body had access to a vast amount of Archonian data, including the equations necessary to open a rift that would take the Gregorys home. They put Grady's human body into stasis, hoping that experts back on Earth would be able to undo the transfer. Although they did return safely, so far Grady's old body is still in stasis as no one has been able to figure out a way to extract his consciousness from the Archonian device.
Hero Name Archon   Real Name Grady Gregory   Powers Monstrous appearance, impenetrable armor, inhuman might   Playbook Legacy


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