
Meyer's parents are A.E.G.I.S. agents. He was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder as a child and none of the treatments worked. The procedure of last resort involved chimeric DNA. While A.E.G.I.S. possessed the technology (it had been shared with them by Doctor Darwin) they refused to make it available, so Meyer's parents had to resort to their underworld contacts. While the illegal procedure was successful in saving Meyer's life, it left him altered to an extent that a normal life was impossible. Meyer's new chimeric DNA was also unstable, mutating at an alarming rate. Meyer sought out Doctor Darwin who helped to stabilize his DNA and arrive at some semblance of peace with his condition.
"Grrrrr."   Hero Name Beastling   Real Name Meyer McCall   Powers Monstrous appearance, transmuting flesh, supernatural senses   Playbook Transformed


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