Captain Courage

Percy is a Golden Age hero who used his shapeshifting abilities to infiltrate V.E.N.O.M. and other enemies of freedom. He can look like anyone and can give himself extraordinary physical abilities, but it was his courage and wholesome faith in humanity that truly set him apart. Newspapers serialized his escapades and he became one of the first truly mainstream superheroes. This fame persists to this day, as comic book aficionados will pay huge sums for issues of The Adventures of Captain Courage.   Percy's rocket ship was presumed lost in an assault on a Nazi moon base, so the authorities created a clone to maintain morale among the public at a critical time. Percy's ship was recently discovered with him inside, his metahuman physiology having enabled him to survive decades in deep freeze. He awoke to a very different world from the one he left, and is trying to figure out how he fits in.
"I will never surrender to the forces of evil."   Hero Name Captain Courage   Real Name Percival Powers   Powers Shapeshifting   Playbook Innocent


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