Dark Star

Duran's family were Alosian exiles who came to Earth to rebuild their power after a battle with the Galactic Guard. Duran inherited his parents' rare ability to manifest darklight, a strange energy with negative mass, exerts negative gravity and can cause attractive forces to become repulsive (and vice versa). Darklight has a highly corrosive effect on normal matter, causing it to split apart at the molecular and atomic level. Darklight can even cause nuclear fission.   Duran's family became supermercenaries for hire. When his parents were finally captured by a group of Earth heroes and extradited to Alosia for trial, Duran was allowed to remain under two conditions: 1) he must work to redeem himself and prove that he can be a force for good, and 2) that he remain on Earth.
Hero Name Dark Star   Real Name Duran Drasko   Powers Cosmic energies (anti-gravity, darklight blasts and manipulation), regeneration   Playbook Scion


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