Jane Doe

Madison was born to a very wealthy family and had every advantage growing up. Her parents sent her to an exclusive boarding school that, unbeknownst to them, was a front for the Black Hand – a mysterious group of villains bent on world domination. The Black Hand exposed Madison to a secret serum that greatly increased her strength and toughness. It was supposed to make her a loyal Black Hand agent, but that part didn’t seem to take so she busted out. Her Aunt Laura is the only member of her family that takes her seriously and has encouraged her to put her powers to good use. Madison can’t stand to be around her parents and her old “perfect princess” friends. She prefers to associate with people who don’t expect her to be something she isn’t.
"Whatever."   Hero Name Jane Doe   Real Name Madison Monroe   Powers Strength, toughness, fighting ability   Playbook Bull


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