Kid Commando

Wes was basically a cocky street kid slacker who became an unwitting test subject for V.E.N.O.M.’s attempt to replicate the Sentry Serum. After being injected with the untested substance, Wes into a coma and was dumped in the lake. He came to, swam to safety and hid until he recovered.   Wes then hunted down the V.E.N.O.M. scientists conducting the tests in an attempt to rescue his friends, only to find out his friends all died. Wes killed the scientists and destroyed the secret facility, but this didn't make him feel better. He is dogged by guilt because he convinced his friends to participate in the experiment.   When Wes joined a team of other young heroes working to clean up Empire City, it was ostensibly to “kick evil’s ass,” but he is really looking to redeem himself - not that he would admit that to anyone. He views his career as a hero as a second chance to do right by kids like his friends.
"Keep your head on a swivel."   Hero Name Kid Commando   Real Name Wesley Webb   Powers Toughness, strength, fighting ability   Playbook Bull


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