
An atlantian/wakandan-esque civilization under the water in the Indian Ocean. The Kumari people are descended from an advanced surface dwelling civilization that were driven into the ocean over 6,000 years ago.   The Kumari are all adapted to life in the deep ocean and can breathe both water and air. All have a mild form of telepathy to enable them to communicate with each other and with their biomechanoid technology. Some have additional superpowers, such as hydrokinesis.   Kumarikhanda is a huge city-state ten times the size of the largest surface city. It serves as a first line of defense against the many underwater alien and extradimensional incursions as well as the infrequent attempts from the Cthonians to take over the planet.   Known Kumari include: Captain Shihara, Princess Sileesha, Centurion Kaytealah, Queen Suleena and Prince Xonn   Kumari man in traditional garb:
National Territory


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