Logan X

Logan was born to the leaders of an apocalyptic cult known as The Scourge. The cult captured and indoctrinated individuals with strong psionic talents and used drugs and mystical rituals in an attempt to bring about the Scourge, an event that would purge the earth of the unworthy, leaving the cult to rule the planet. The cult believes Logan is their messiah, the one who will bring about the end of the world. A few members of the cult became disillusioned and stole Logan when he was a baby. He grew up on the run. The former cult members intentionally stunted his telepathic abilities for fear they would be detected. As a result, his telekinetic abilities grew more powerful to compensate. His doom is to bring about the Scourge.
Hero Name Logan X   Real Name Logan Leroux   Powers Telekinesis, memory manipulation, psychic constructs   Playbook Doomed


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