
Milo had terrible nightmares as a child. Psychological treatment and medication were ineffective. His parents had contacts in organized crime who put them in touch with a member of the Cabal. In a ritual, Milo was bonded to semi-sentient shadowstuff that feeds on negative emotions. Now, instead of having nightmares, he can manifest them in the waking world. Given that bad people, and especially supervillains, are full of negative feelings he figured teaming up to hunt them down was the best way to keep the shadow fed. But what the shadow wants most is fear, and Milo struggles to keep it under control when it urges him to turn his abilities on the innocent. It isn’t evil, per se, just very hungry.
"Are you afraid of the dark? You should be."   Hero Name Nightmare   Real Name Milo Mancinelli   Powers Deceptive powers, psychic weapons, emotion control   Playbook Delinquent


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