
Ivan’s parents were subjects in an experiment attempting to awaken latent metahuman abilities. He was born with the ability to excrete a highly explosive substance. Ivan was taken away from his parents and placed in the secretive Geroi Rodina Academy high in the Ural Mountains. The Academy was liberated by A.E.G.I.S. and Ivan was brought to Halcyon City. He wears a metamaterial suit which channels his secretions into invulnerable gauntlets and boots. Ivan views being a hero as a chance to make friends that can help protect him if the masters of the Geroi Rodina come looking for him. Ivan attends the Parasol School in his hero guise - few outside A.E.G.I.S. know his secret identity.
Hero Name Nitro   Character Name Ivan Ivanovich   Powers Physical enhancements (strength, agility, toughness), energy absorption, substance mimicry (secrete explosive fluid)   Playbook Janus


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