
Cam is a cadet with the Vistari Guard, an interstellar police force dedicated to preserving law and order in the galaxy. Cam tracked an alien villain to Earth in defiance of his orders. Once the bad guy was defeated, the Guard ordered Cam to return to Vistar to resume his training, but Cam saw crime and injustice wherever he looked and found it hard to leave. The members of the Guard on and near Earth relented, allowing him to stay but warning that his actions were being monitored. Cam's primary motivation is to fight injustice and prove to the Guard that he is worthy.   Cam is an Alosian with inherent superpowers and so does not wear the typical Vistari power armor.
Hero Name Quasar   Real Name Cam Vaas-Kosh   Powers Eye beams, invincibility, flight   Playbook Legacy


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