
Sarah was born with a rare genetic condition that made her susceptible to illness and injury. It also made her the ideal subject for the Sentry project, a supersoldier program run under the auspices of AEGIS’ Sirius Program. Most normal people’s bodies would react negatively to the Sentry Serum, but Sarah’s unique biology allowed it to work to full effect, greatly amplifying her strength and making her highly resistant to most types of injury, disease or poison.   Sarah has been training since she was 12 to hone her combat skills and was recently given her first official assignment from AEGIS – join a team of young superheroes, assist them and report on their capabilities and potential. Sarah finds other young heroe’s less regimented approach frustrating, but she genuinely likes being part of a team and occasionally relaxes enough to have a good time.
"Stand down! I don't want to fight you if I don't have to."   Hero Name Saber   Civilian Name Sarah Scott   Powers Super strength and durability, signature weapon (metamaterial sword)   Playbook Soldier


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