
Asher was a summer intern at SecuriTech. The R&D department to which he was assigned was secretly supplying advanced technology to the highest bidder. He was part of an experiment to create a neural interface which enabled operation of an experimental combat and infiltration suit that incorporated alien technology recovered from the crash of the Steel Swarm sphere.   The experiment was a near total failure – of 10 subjects only he was able to operate the suit, but it permanently bonded to him making replication at scale impossible. With the help of a friend, he broke into the lab facility and stole the suit.   Asher cares about working with his new superpowered friends because every day with them is exciting. It’s also a chance to thwart others who want to mass produce supersoldiers or otherwise turn technology to evil ends.
“What separates a weapon of destruction from a tool for justice is application, not design.”   Hero Name Shroud   Real Name Asher Acosta   Powers Camouflage and stealth, marital arts   Playbook Beacon


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