
Sly discovered his powers when he was about 12 but kept them hidden from everyone in his family except his big sister, Ronnie., He went on a minor shoplifting spree but was caught by the superhero Speed Demon, who Sly looked up to. Speed Demon challenged Sly to find a way to use his powers for the good of his community. Sly cares about the team because they seem to know a lot about being a hero, and he wants one day to be a big-time hero like Speed Demon. Sly wanted to use the name “Sly” as his hero name but a stupid minor villain already uses that moniker, so he went with Slick.
"They'll never see me coming."   Hero Name Slick   Real Name Sylvester "Sly" Smith   Powers Phasing, camouflage and stealth   Playbook Beacon


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