
Jason was a scrawny, clumsy, sickly kid from Empire City who was obsessed with superheroes. His wealthy parents (high ranking executives at NanoGen) were disappointed their son wasn’t the “golden boy” they felt they deserved, so they paid for an experimental and highly illegal treatment that improved his strength and reflexes. He spent his high school years being the star student and athlete his parents wanted.   Upon graduation he moved to Halcyon City to attend H.I.T. and to help establish a NanoGen recruiting office and R&D lab, which he uses as cover for burgeoning hero career. If his parents found out they’d be mortified. Jason works with other young heroes because they want to make a difference, not just amass wealth and power.
"Feel the sting of justice!"   Hero Name Stinger   Secret Identity Jason Jackowski   Powers Martial arts, swords (and throwing blades laced with paralytic compounds)   Playbook Beacon


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