The New Mister Mantis

Brackston is a metahuman with enhanced strength, agility and reflexes and the ability to communicate with a variety of insects. His great uncle Bartholomew, the original Mister Mantis, made Brackston a metamaterial suit to enhance his abilities and provide him with extra protection from harm. Brackston and Bartholomew are very close and Bartholomew serves as a mentor and confidant to his nephew. Brackston's father, Ben, is not as accepting and is one of the main reasons Brackston keeps his identity as the new Mister Mantis a secret.
Hero Name Mister Mantis   Secret Identity Brackston Brown   Powers Physical enhancements (metahuman abilities, metamaterial suit, leaping and gliding), insect control (summon and control insects, see through insects' eyes), venom (fire paralyzing stingers)   Playbook Janus


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