The Real Slasherella

Abby's metahuman genes were detected in a routine childhood procedure. Her parents were duped by V.E.N.O.M. agents into enrolling her into a special "school" for other similarly gifted kids. There V.E.N.O.M. experimented on Abby and discovered that her genes enabled her to absorb pure impervium into her system. Abby attended the school for several years, receiving all sorts of training. Her parents suspected nothing until the school was raided by A.E.G.I.S. and all the teachers were arrested.   This all made Abby super angry and she went on a rampage, tearing up her parents' house with her impervium claws. Things eventually got better and Abby decided to use her powers for good, vowing to never let herself get that angry again. And that's a promise she kept until recently, when she found out that a member of some stupid group called the Vice Girls had stolen her name. She didn't know who this imposter was, but vowed to find her and make her pay.
“Let’s just cut to the chase … SHINGGG!”   Hero Name Slasherella   Real Name Abigail Abrams   Powers Impervium-infused bones and tissues provide toughness, strength and fighting ability   Playbook Bull


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